Monday, 26 October 2015

5 Rare Type of Guys You Will Be Lucky To Meet....

There are certain rare qualities that are difficult to
find in a man, but there are men out there who
do possess them. Perhaps you are staying single
until you meet one of these men, and it may take
a while to find one. But, it’s worth the wait.
Sometimes a man has to be slapped in the face
by the dating game several times before he has a
grasp on the type of man he should strive to be.
In staying single until you meet one of these types
of men, you are being smart and selective. Here
are five rare types of men you would be extremely
lucky to meet:
1. The Man Who Is Not Shallow:
This man is looking for something beyond looks.
This man notices a woman with depth, drive,
layers and character. Of course, it’s important to
be attracted to someone, but a man who is not
shallow is a man who won’t forget all about you
the moment he meets a gorgeous bombshell.
Although many men claim they place a higher
importance on personality than they do looks, at
the end of the day, they’re choosing the woman
who was the most stunning in the looks
department. It’s not your problem, though. It can
take several years for a man to come to terms
with what is truly important in a woman, and until
he comes to that realization on his own, he’ll be
swimming in the shallow end. Eventually, when
diving into the shallow end of the pool results in
nothing but bruises and scrapes, he’ll test the
waters of the deep end, and that is where he will
find you.
2. The Direct Man
This man is a rare breed. He is direct, and if he
likes you, he tells you. Similarly, if he’s not into
you, he tells you right away instead of wasting
your time by procrastinating to avoid an
uncomfortable conversation. If there is something
you’re doing that is bothering him, the direct man
is honest instead of giving you the cold shoulder.
The direct man has the strength of character
required to be forthcoming instead of nonchalant.
3. The Man With Follow-Through
Follow-through is a very important character
trait. Women will immediately notice whether or
not a man possesses this quality. If there is no
discrepancy between his words and his actions,
he possesses follow-through. For example, if he
says he wants to see you and follows through
with those words by planning a date with you, he
is the type of man who follows through on his
words with the appropriate actions. He keeps the
momentum going and does not drag his feet
when it comes to asking you out on a second or
third date.
4. The Man Who Wears His Heart On His Sleeve
This man is not afraid of rejection. Even if there
are some risks to telling you how he feels about
you (like the chance of awkwardness,
embarrassment or rejection), he doesn’t care. He
wears his heart on his sleeve and tells you how
much he likes you and why. He doesn’t play it
cool in an attempt to appeal to you more, or
participate in any other dating games. Just like
the direct man, this man does not play games.
5. The Man Who Sees You
This man is always present when he’s with you.
He takes the time to get to know you; he is
engaged in the conversation and appreciates all
the layers that make you special. He notices the
little things that set you apart from other women,
the things you thought nobody noticed. His ability
to truly see you and set you apart from others is
what makes him so special.

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