Monday, 26 October 2015

The Sad Reality.....

Many are in relationships, having high
expectations from their partners. Not realising
that they will leave you. It doesnt matter what
you do, they WILL leave you or they WILL stay.
Its their choice and not a function of what you do.
So if you go into a relationship thinking that if you
were to be nice, caring, not cheat, etc will cause
the relationship to stand the test of time, you
might be wrong. They stay because they want to
not because of what you do. Thats why you hear
of nice guys getting dumped when they did
nothing to deserve such or people still staying in
abusive relationships even when they have every
reason to leave . Relationships have grown so
complicated these days that even social media
has an "its complicated" relationship status.
What I'm trying to say in essense is that one is
only sure of himself/herself in a relationship. You
cannot be certain of the partner even if you do
everything an awesome partner would do. You
can only love and HOPE it is reciprocated as
you'd like and not EXPECT. Relationships are not
like computers where your input determines the
output, though it happens sometimes.
But if by some stroke of fate, you become certain
or sure of your partner beyond all doubt, then
hold on tight to the person especially since you
are certain of yourself also.

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